
How To Clean Your Conservatory Roof

Looking for the best way to clean your conservatory roof? You’re not alone! Cleaning your conservatory roof may seem like a mammoth task, but with these helpful tips, your conservatory will be sparkling clean in no time!



To clean your conservatory roof, you will need some basic cleaning equipment, and a couple of extra tools which we have found to make the job easier!


Ladder or Step Ladder

To clean the hard to reach areas of your conservatory roof, you’ll need a ladder. Just make sure you have a ladder buddy on hand to keep your ladder steady during cleaning!


Bucket & Sponge

No fancy equipment here – a sponge does the trick perfectly!



Ah, a window-washer’s best friend – the humble squeegee! This device absorbs excess water and helps to prevent streaks.


Telescopic brush

In our experience, a telescopic brush helps reach those tricky nooks and crannies that are just out of arm’s length! Try to find a telescopic brush that has a garden hose attachment – you’ll thank us later!


Cleaning Your Conservatory Roof

  • Before you begin washing your conservatory roof with a sponge, firstly remove any larger debris from your conservatory roof, such as moss and leaves. Cleaning your conservatory roof is also a perfect opportunity to clean your guttering!
  • Use warm soapy water (washing up liquid works great!) and your sponge to wash your glass panels. Avoid using a glass cleaner or other harsh chemicals on self-cleaning glass, as it can minimise its effectiveness and shorten your conservatory’s lifespan.
  • Use your garden hose to rinse away any excess soap, then clean the glass with a squeegee to get rid of any dripping water.
  • Buff the glass dry with a microfibre or lint-free cloth to get rid of any streaks.
  • Wash your uPVC or timber frame with warm soapy water, and once dry, treat wooden frames with an oil to protect the wood against weathering.


Conservatory Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Conservatory roofs often feature a ventilation point at the ridge (the highest point of your conservatory roof with the cresting or finial). It is important to avoid this area when washing your conservatory roof, especially with a high-pressure device such as a jet washer, as this can cause leaking.

Although it can be tempting to use chemical cleaners on your conservatory roof, this can damage the integrity of the glazing, and reduce its effectiveness over time.

Don’t forget to lubricate the hinges and locking points throughout your conservatory! Using a lubricant such as WD-40 can help to maintain your warranty.


About Inspired Windows and Conservatories

Inspired Windows and Conservatories has provided premium conservatory, window and door installation to customers across the South Coast since 1994. Located in Fair Oak, Eastleigh, Inspired Windows and Conservatories is the one stop shop for all your supply and installation needs. With an unbeaten catalogue of styles, finishes, and designs and an expert installation team, we provide high quality, professional supply and installation services that transform and add value to your home.

To get in touch with our team, complete our contact form.  You can also keep up with our news and blogs on Facebook, @InspiredSouthampton.

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