
Office 2, Fleming Court Business Centre

Leigh Road, Eastleigh , Hampshire , SO50 9PD

double glazing Tag

Has the scorching summer weather caused your conservatory to feel stuffy and humid? If your living space is unbearably hot during the summer, your conservatory is probably due an upgrade. Many older conservatories are constructed with glass or polycarbonate panels, which allow plenty of natural light and are relatively cost effective. However, these materials conduct heat and can cause a blistering glare during sunnier weather, as...

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Struggling to get that crystal-clear finish when you clean your windows? Our team have got some expert tips to help brighten your living space and achieve the perfect panes. As the seasons change and the sun begins to shine, you may begin to notice that your windows are in need of a good clean. Wind, rain, dust and dirt accumulate over time making your living space...

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